24HR Mobile Drug Testing

Onsite Drug Testing Service

Advantages of On-Site Mobile Drug Testing

With Cost effective and convenient on-site testing, it eliminates travel time and minimizes the loss of employee productivity, by getting the employee back to work within minutes of conducting the test.

Additionally discouraging opportunities of employees or potential employees to compromise or tamper with specimens.

24HR Mobile Drug Testing allows employers to find substance abusers among their employees, as well as to screen them from potential new hires and prevent them from entering the workforce in the first place.

Who We Are

24HR MDT Services is a Mobile Drug Testing service, serving the DFW. 24HR MDT Services continues to build and serve an impressive list of corporations within the DFW Metro area and surrounding cities, which currently include both regional and major airlines, government transportation departments, and numerous construction companies.

What We Do

24HR MDT Services will come to your worksite or pre-requested location to collect specimens for testing. Offering DOT and Non-DOT regulated tests in the following tests:
  • Random
  • Post-Accident
  • Reasonable Suspicion
  • Return to Duty
  • Follow Up

We strive for excellence in giving you more control and faster results.

Determine your goals and develop a plan

  • We can assist you in making sure your company is operating as a Drug-Free Workplace
  • We will make sure you remain in compliance with DOT drug standards.
  • 24HR MDT Services operates a Multi-Company Consortium.
  • 24HR MDT Services can pull your monthly or Quarterly randoms.

DOT drug testing program tests for 5-panels of controlled substances 

covering the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates (Opium and codeine derivatives)
  • Amphetamines and Methamphetamines,
  • Phencyclidine (PCP).


24HR MDT Services understands that confidentiality is an essential part of the relationship with our clients.

Our DOT qualified technicians provide a high level of private, secure and confidential drug screenings.

All testing results are private and confidential and transmitted only to the Companies Designated Employee Representative or employee paying for the testing.

Types of Testing

  • Pre-Employment
  • Random
  • Post Accident
  • Reasonable Suspicion
  • Return to Duty
  • Follow Up
  • Other


On-Site testing eliminates travel time, retaining employee productivity by having your employee tested at your location and getting the employee back to work within minutes of conducting the test.

  • Immediate testing at your facility during the Pre-Employment process.
  • Post-Accident testing at the scene of the accident saves transport time to a clinic.
  • Random testing is conducted while on Duty, or immediately before or after.
  • Return-to-Duty tests may require direct observations(DOT).
  • Follow-Up testing is done in compliance with Substance Abuse Professionals.
  • Type of Testing: Urine, Oral Swabs, & Hair Testing

Costs of Substance Abuse

Abuse of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs is costing our nation over $600 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity, and healthcare.